
How To Make Money With Free Mobile Apps

The mobile app industry is projected to hit $407.31 billion past 2026. Information technology is lucrative by any standards, and, naturally, yous'll want to tap into the market. All the same, ix out of x apps are downloadable for gratuitous, which brings the question, how practise complimentary apps make money?

Freemium Apps vs. Paid Apps Market

Most 'free' apps downloadable on Appstore and Google Play are based on the freemium model. Co-ordinate to Statista, 96.1% of apps downloadable on Google Play and 91.9% on the Apple App Shop are free. It is too worth noting that Apple AppStore is the more lucrative market of the two.

The numbers speak volumes of how users tend to go for gratuitous apps and are turned off by paying for an app. According to Google, only 1 in ii people ever paid for an app. The figure explains why developers are ditching the paid apps model in favor of freemium apps.

free apps development

Freemium Apps vs. Free Trial Apps Market

The free app market is also divide into freemium and complimentary trial apps. While freemium apps allow users access to basic features for free, a free trial app usually allows full admission to the features but inside a express catamenia.

Both types of apps do not generate acquirement until users start paying to access premium features or continue using the service after the trial. Freemium app has a conversion rate between 1%-30%, although near linger on the lower boundary, while free trial apps bask a higher conversion rate of 30% - l%.

How much do free apps earn

Do people spend money when using a gratuitous app? Co-ordinate to past statistics, the average user of an iPhone spent $79 for in-app purchases in 2018, a 36% increase compared to the previous year. Nigh of the money is spent on games compared to other types of mobile apps.

Apps on Apple'southward App Store generated $46.six billion in 2018, while those on Google Play Shop brought home $24.four billion. Considering that more than than ninety% of the apps on both marketplaces are gratuitous to download, information technology is fair to suggest that the majority of revenue originates from free apps.

Fortnite, the pop beginning-person shooter game, generates $1.8 billion in revenue in 2019 from its in-app purchases. How does this compare to a non-game app?

Slack, a popular communication tool, brought home $400.6 million for its financial year-cease on January 31, 2019.

App Monetization Strategies

The beauty with monetizing an app is that there are many means to do and so. Depending on the blazon of apps, some strategies are more effective than others. Rewarded video advertising is proven to be the all-time bet as information technology's rated at 75%. It is a form of advertisement popular in games where users will demand to lookout man a video ad to receive gameplay items or energies.

At 63%, in-app purchases on the freemium model are the second about constructive form of monetization, followed by various forms of advertisements. Paid subscriptions and downloads are far beneath the ranking at only 14% each.


Most answers for how practice complimentary apps make coin will signal to advertising, and it isn't surprising. Ads take dominated various media in our life as they're proven to be effective. In a mobile app, ads are displayed and monetized in multiple means.

  • CPM - where the app developers are paid for a number of impressions of the ads.
  • CPC - revenue is generated based on the numbers of click delivered through the ads.
  • CPV - earning is based on the number of views by app users.
  • CPA - user actions like installing the advertised app or purchases through the link pb to the programmer's committee.

Use advertising if you lot're not charging whatever fees from the users. Do annotation that excessive ads that interrupt the experience could turn users off.

Duolingo and Instagram utilise advertizement every bit their monetizing strategy.

Freemium model

The freemium model is increasingly popular and has dominated both Google Play and Apple App Store. Instead of charging users for a fee from the starting time, freemium apps permit users access to basic features. However, to admission premium features, users are required to pay a fee.

There are a few types of monetization strategies within the freemium model. Mobile games allow users to purchase game items through in-app purchases. Productivity apps often offer a premium subscription, which removes feature limitations on the app.

Use the freemium model if you're hoping to decrease user conquering cost, even so confident that the users volition stick with the app and brand purchases now and and then.

Skype offers a subscription for its Skype To Go service and sells credits that allow users to utilize certain features. VCSO, a tool for photo and video creators, offers a premium subscription forth with its free app.

Subscription model

The subscription model is one of the few means free apps make money. Information technology works past charging users for a recurring amount on a monthly or an annual basis. With this model, developers are assured of a fixed amount of revenue as long as users are subscribing to the app.

Subscription is unremarkably used by entertainment, media, news, and services. This strategy isn't popular, as but 5% of successful apps have used subscription in their monetization approach.

If yous're offering VPN, video, or audio streaming services, the subscription model is the best way to monetize. To encourage user signups, you tin offering a money-back guarantee catamenia for new users.

Netflix and Spotify operate on the subscription model.

Sponsorship model

One of the less common strategies, the sponsorship model involves finding a sponsor related to your niche and striking up a bounty structure. In return for the monetary compensation, the app could include the sponsor'south brand, advertise its products, or send users to its website.

For instance, if you've created an app for diet planning, you can seek out nutrition brands for a sponsorship deal.

It isn't easy to work out a sponsorship deal, which explains why most apps adopt other more straightforward monetization strategies.

viii Steps to Ascertain the Best App Monetization Model

Despite advertisement being a dominant strategy, it may non be a practiced strategy for your app. Sometimes, a less-popular arroyo works better, and in some circumstances, y'all can apply more than one monetization model.

The fact is, every app is different, and you'll need a systematic procedure to make up one's mind the right monetization model for yours.

Here's a step-past-step guide.

i. Consider the apps' business goal

Prior to developing an app, you lot'll want to be articulate of what y'all're trying to attain in terms of business organisation goals. Is it an try to increase make sensation past getting every bit many downloads equally possible? If then, the paid subscription model may non be the best approach.

If you're complementing an existing business with an app, and you have a customer base to market to, then the freemium or subscription model is worth considering. For businesses that are only concerned about generating quick income, the advertising model is the easiest arroyo.

2. Define the value

Chances are, in that location are already competing apps that are solving the same trouble. Yous'll demand to determine what values do your app offers, and does it practice so differently? It'due south pointless to introduce just some other app to the marketplace. It will exist hard to monetize, even if it's gratis.

3. Define your target audience and user needs

Depending on your target audience, some monetization strategies may work better than others. For case, gamers would patiently click on thirty seconds of rewarded video ads to go freebies in the game. Attempt doing that with a productivity tool for professionals, and it will be disastrous.

Therefore, it's important to identify your target audience. Doing and so also helps you pinpoint the users' needs and pain points, which is essential to ensure loftier signups, date, and retention.

iv. Check your competitors and evaluate the risks

Every bit lucrative equally it is, you'll desire to weigh your options earlier plunging into the app industry. This is specially true if you're planning to launch an app in the already-crowded gaming marketplace. Cheque out who you're competing confronting and explore their strengths and weaknesses to explore possible opportunities.

Are the competing apps offering good user experience while running ads on information technology? Or is using a paid subscription model a wise move? Sometimes, information technology's easier to be profitable with a less popular monetization strategy in a narrower niche market.

five. Monetization and metrics for your model

Once you're comfortable with the information gathered, you lot'll need to decide the app's monetization strategy. Sometimes, it'due south possible to combine ii or more ways of how free apps make money.

Then, you'll need to ascertain the metrics to gauge the success of the monetization strategy. For example, Spotify has a conversion rate of 26.6%, merely near apps convert at i% for the freemium model. Decide your app's target and monitor when it hits the market place.

half-dozen. Calculate the economic system

Ultimately, you'll want to be profitable regardless of which model you've chosen. You'll need to define the number of users, conversion charge per unit, average spending, and a predictive timeline to breakeven.

Y'all'll so want to be realistic and compare it with the current market sentiment and how other competitors are faring. These figures help yous to navigate the choppy water, mainly when the app is newly-released.

7. Prototyping and user testing

To have an easy-to-monetize app, you'll demand one that is well-accustomed by the users. The only way to ensure that is to build and epitome and test it with the uses. Information technology could be in the form of an app with just the visual layout, or a sketch presented to a group of users for feedback.

What'southward of import hither is for the users to understand what the app offers and how it works to solve their problems.

8. Build MVP

You lot'll want to balance cost, profitability, and time-to-market place. Building an MVP, which contains the basic features in a skeleton frame, helps to attain that. Launch with an MVP and get together the user feedback on what'south working and what's non.

Make the necessary revisions based on the feedback and gradually include other 'nice-to-have' features. Take notation of the engagement factor and if information technology leads to higher conversion.

build apps that make money


1. How do gratis apps make coin?

Gratuitous apps are monetized through diverse means, including advertising, in-app purchases, sponsorship, and affiliate marketing.

2. What is the freemium model?

The freemium model offers users admission to basic features for free. Users are required to make payment for premium features, whether by in-app purchases or subscription.


We've thoroughly addressed the question of how do gratis apps make money. What's more important is choosing the right monetization model that suits your app. At Uptech, nosotros've helped various clients monetize their app and build the MVP.

If y'all like to know more about what works best for your app, drop me a message here.


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