
What Size Hole To Drill For 1 1/2 Pvc Pipe

  • #1

What size drill perfectly fits i/2" PVC pipe crude a opening, no room to spare.

  • #2

Assuming it'due south schedule twoscore PVC, the O.D. of 1/2" PVC is 0.840"

  • #3


Hate to say it but why is that a question for this forum??? There are a few different thicknesses of pvc, take a tape mensurate measure beyond, find a drill bit and drill. If there is a little space I'm sure silicone chalking will piece of work fine.

Sorry to be a bitch but I accept seen the old timers here ride people hard for "questions" that could be more easily answered elsewhere. This is the first ane I have seen where I would be agreeing with the old timers.

We can all assist but we tin't assist you lot to help yourself.

  • #4

Well dickhead at least you apologize for being a bitch, expect up on Google drill bit for schedule 40 i/2 pvc, permit me know how your search turns out. Then goto Lowes and learn they don't sell the scrap. Its a very rare size. Too I can't just caulk information technology up, its for my res and must be removed everyday.

Similar most the old fools in life, lose your ego. Y'all'll end bitching almost what people exercise when you lot realize how imperfect you are.

Wake upwardly ;)

Can't believe you took the time to be and so counter productive and complain nearly a post.

Thanks for the assist meta.

  • #5

And so you lot desire to drill the *exact* size hole to stuff a pvc piping into, and have it removable.. nonetheless not leak?

The only way I run into this happening is by oversizing the hole and using a condom grommet, but I wouldn't bet my grow on it not leaking.

edit: the best manner I've found to put a hole into something plastic is to find a deep well socket that'southward the perfect size and oestrus it up with a torch and use that to cook the hole.

  • #6

Well it won't leak, its for lite/semi-air proofing reasons.

  • #7

What size drill perfectly fits ane/2" PVC pipe rough a opening, no room to spare.

I dunno know, your original postal service didn't say what information technology was for, just went with what was written in the question. Nada wrong with my ego hither but I will concur that not responding to your post would have been the nice affair to practise and for some reason I did otherwise. Once yous explained what it was existence used for, I get it. Good thoughts to yous and next time I come across another question like this post, I'll be sure to cruise on by. :bigjoint:

  • #9

What size drill perfectly fits ane/2" PVC pipe rough a opening, no room to spare.

vii/8" hole saw.

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What Size Hole To Drill For 1 1/2 Pvc Pipe,


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